Workout routine for beginners at home

Best workout routine for beginners at home in 2023

If you’re new to exercise and want to start getting in shape, this workout routine for beginners at home is a great place to start. It’s simple, easy to follow, and will help you get started on your journey towards a healthier body

Best workout routine for beginners at home

Warm Up exercise


Before you begin your workout, it’s important to warm up. This will help to prepare your muscles for the workout and prevent injury.

  • Stretching: Start with a few minutes of static stretching, then move on to dynamic warm-up exercises such as jumping jacks or high knees. You can also try lunges, calf raises, and arm circles (in one direction only).
  • Jogging in place: Jog around in place for five minutes or so; this will help loosen up tight hips and hamstrings while loosening up your lower back muscles as well.
Air Squats exercise

Air Squats

Air squats are a great way to warm up your body and get the blood flowing. They can be done at any time, but they’re especially useful as pre-workout or post-workout exercises.

  • How many air squats do I need to do?
  • What exactly does it mean when someone says they’ve got “air legs”?

Air squats are simple: stand with feet together and hands on hips, then lower yourself down until your knees are bent 90 degrees. Then return up again. Repeat these steps 20 times total (10 per leg), holding each position for 30 seconds before moving on to the next one—or as long as you like. You’ll feel it in your abs after just 10 reps; have someone watch so that if they don’t think these exercises aren’t tough enough yet (or maybe because they think they’re too easy), you can stop right there instead of going through all 20 repetitions twice more each set

Plank Exercise


  • Start on all fours, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • Lift your hips in the air and keep them there for at least 30 seconds (or longer). You can hold this pose for longer if you want, but it’s not necessary
  • To make this exercise easier, bend one knee at a time until it is directly under your hip (or even closer). This will allow you to push through the ground more effectively without having to worry about putting pressure on other parts of your body like the shoulders or elbows.
Bicycle Crunches Exercise

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches are a great way to target your abdominals, obliques, and lower back. They also work the triceps and shoulders.

  • Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hands behind your head.
  • Exhale as you lift one knee up toward your chest while keeping the other leg straight (it should be parallel with the floor). Return to starting position after 4 seconds if needed or repeat for 8-10 reps total (1 set).
  • Then repeat with opposite arm/leg combo if desired by alternating sides every 2 minutes until fatigued
jumping jack exercise

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories. They’re easy, so you can do them anywhere

  • Jumping Jacks will help you warm up before an intense workout or class. The movement is similar to running in that it gets the blood flowing throughout the body, which warms up muscles and helps them contract more efficiently when they need to contract (think of it like a muscle group warming up).
  • You don’t need much space for this exercise—just place two feet together, then jump onto both legs at once (you should be able to lift both arms above your head). This move is called “double jumping jacks,” because when you do it correctly, it looks like two people doing one high jump over hurdles instead of just one person doing two lower jumps over low hurdles.
Push up exercise


Push-ups are a great exercise to build strength and endurance in your upper body. They can also help you improve your core, lower back, and shoulder muscles.

To do push-ups with good form:

  • Start with your hands shoulder-width apart on the ground, elbows bent at 90 degrees. Your feet should be flat on the ground or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart if you’re doing them outside (this will make it easier).
  • Keep your chest up and arms straight throughout the movement so that they don’t sag down toward the floor; this will help keep you balanced when doing multiple reps of this exercise.
Lunges exercises


Lunges are an excellent exercise for beginners because they can be done anywhere and require little equipment. To perform a lunge, stand up straight with feet about shoulder-width apart. Place one foot forward in front of you and bend both knees until your thighs are at 90 degrees from the floor (either parallel or slightly below). Return to the standing position, then repeat on the opposite side.

Lunges can be performed with either arm down by your sides or raised above your head; whichever option you choose depends on what type of workout you’re looking for. If performing this exercise while standing upright will help burn more calories than if done while leaning forward slightly forward at first steps toward each other as though walking sideways across them—or even just standing still—then try raising them higher than normal during each rep

Side planks exercises

Side Planks

  • Hold for 30 seconds on each side.
  • Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe. Your hips and shoulders should be in line with each other, as should your head and neck.
  • Keep both feet flat on the floor with toes pointing forward or slightly outward (not pointed straight ahead).
  • Place hands directly under your shoulders; don’t let them hang down or fall behind you or away from you.

Home workout routine

A home workout routine for beginners is a great way to get in shape, improve your strength and lose weight. The exercises will help you burn calories and build muscle at home without having to go to the gym or spend money on expensive equipment. You can even do this exercise without any equipment at all.


The workout routine for beginners at home mentioned above is a simple and effective way to get started doing some exercise. If you have access to a gym, then go ahead and use that space, but if not then at least try out this routine that can be done anywhere. It’s easy enough for anyone to do regardless of their experience level or fitness level so give it a shot today.

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