What is a Balanced Diet- 5 Essential tips to maintain it

A balanced diet is a diet that has all the essential food that provides us with an adequate amount of nutrients for our overall well-being. It should contain sufficient protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. A balanced diet helps us to remain fit and fight against all types of diseases. Hence, it is very important to eat right and maintain good health and growth.

Importance of a Balanced Diet

Normally, an adult takes 2200 to 2500 calories in a day. An unhealthy diet plan with high saturated fat may keep you gaining weight, unwanted fat sometimes welcomes many diseases. If you have an unhealthy diet plan then there is a risk of developing chronic health diseases like diabetes, stroke, obesity, cancer, etc, 

It is important to have a balanced diet, which means you should eat those foods that are healthy and help you to keep normal body function. If your diet doesn’t include vitamins and minerals and proteins proportionately then you may suffer from various diseases and will not get immune to fight any diseases. It is also important to consume food that is organic and healthy like fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and nuts

A properly balanced diet is equally important for children’s growth. Those who are not eating a balanced diet, suffer from malnutrition. Sometimes it affects their mental health and physical development also.

5 Essential Tips to Maintain a Healthy Balanced Diet

balanced healthy diet

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables are very good sources of vitamins, minerals, and potassium that you must include in your diet. If you have constipation problems, fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of fiber and they can reduce your bowel problem. It is a blend of different nutrients. 

Regularly consuming fruits and vegetables can prevent various diseases. You should include green leafy vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. But certain vegetables we should avoid such as potatoes, it has starch which is very harmful to diabetic patients. 

Eat Whole Grain

Whole grains are full of fiber, so if we eat less our tummy will be full. Consuming whole grains on regular basis can reduce the risk of heart attack and diabetes. In Whole grain food, we can find essential minerals, such as magnesium, selenium, and copper. These help us to fight cancer. A diet that is rich in grains also helps to reduce weight. It is also rich in nutrients and low in calories. 

Eat protein diet

Protein helps in building our body. We should include protein in our diet to repair yourselves and build muscles. Protein is very essential for children for body growth. Protein is very rich in Amino acids and it is found in animal sources such as meat chicken, eggs, and milk. We can also get plant proteins such as soybeans, legumes, and also from grains. They are building blocks for enzymes, hormones, and vitamins. So we should include protein in our daily diet.

What is a balanced diet

Choose the correct edible oil

To lead a healthy lifestyle we need to choose the correct edible oil.  When we prepare food it is very important to cook, serve and consume food that is healthy. It is very essential to choose an edible oil that is healthy. You buy edible oil that is rich in monounsaturated fat and it should be balanced with all the essential fats and nutrients.

Drink a lot of fluids

If you want to be physically fit you should always hydrate your body. Thus it is very important to include a lot of fluid in your diet. It will help you to boost your metabolism and help in weight loss. We should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day which help us to regulate our body temperature and fight against many diseases like urinary tract stone and bladder infection. It is important to include milk juice and herbal tea on a regular basis in our diet.


Apart from eating fruit, and vegetables and drinking plenty of water, exercise is very important to keep you physically fit. We should be physically active for at least 30 minutes a whole day. If we consume protein every day it is very necessary to exercise regularly otherwise it will affect our digestion. If you cannot exercise then at least walk for 30 mins every day. Exercise and walking will develop your immunity system and help you to lower the risk of obesity and makes you healthy.

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