Millet is a powerhouse of nutrients. In this busy world & hectic lifestyle we cannot ignore millet the ultimate superfood for our optimal health.

Millet has a lot of fiber which helps in weight loss, it keeps your tummy full for a long time and helps to stop overeating.

It helps to maintain blood sugar levels- Millet has a low glycemic index which helps to control diabetics.

It helps to boost energy and immunity- Millets help to improve the immunity system. Mittet is a great source of protein.

Millet helps to prevent the storage of extra fat in your body. It helps to increase good cholesterol in your body and makes your heart healthy

Millet contains potassium which helps in proper blood circulation and controls our blood pressure

The high fiber property found in millet helps in proper digestion. It solves all digestion-related problems like gas, acidity, bloating, etc.

Millet has the amino acid tryptophan which increases serotonin levels, which helps in proper sleep

Millets have protein and magnesium which reduces the frequency of asthma problems in our body.

FoxTail and Prospo millet help in preventing the growth of cancerian cells in our body.

Millets are rich in calcium and minerals which is very good for strong bones.

Finger Millet is rich in iron, so it is very useful for those people who are suffering from Anemia and insomnia.

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