Legumes are a good source of fiber, you can replace meat in your recipes with beans, lentils, chickpeas, and the like is a viable and easy way to increase your daily intake

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are not only a good source of vitamins and minerals, but also fiber

Avocado is delicious and nutritious, it contains fiber and vitamins not only help to maintain good cardiovascular health but also promote proper intestinal transit.

You can try Nuts as snacks because they’re full of nutrients, including fiber. They can also help you feel full.

Oats and wheat bran are known for contributing to good digestive health thanks to their high concentration of soluble and insoluble fiber

You can replace white bread with whole wheat or whole grain bread to get more fiber into your routine diet.

Add flaxseeds or chia seeds to your fruits and vegetable smoothies to increase your fiber intake.

Eat Brown rice instead of white rice, as brown is high-fiber food, it also helps people with Type2 diabetes to control their sugar level