If you want to reduce belly fat then include these 7 foods in your meal to boost metabolism and fight hunger

Always start your day with Eggs, it is the best dietary source of the B vitamin choline, an essential nutrient used in the construction of all the body's cell membranes 

Avoid carbs and add fiber, some of the best foods that melt the belly fact include beans, lentils, and oats 

Flaxseeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and the antioxidant lignan, which helps to reduce high cholesterol, high blood glucose, and large waist circumference 

Leafy greens that are high in magnesium and potassium like spinach can help balance sodium levels and burn belly fats

Green tea is high in antioxidants and helps to boost immunity and weight loss. It can help with insulin response and reduce belly fat

Resveratrol a polyphenol compound found in abundance in fruits, peanut butter, and dark chocolate, slows down fat accumulation in the body.

Fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acid helps reduce visceral fat. Research shows that salmon, sardines, mackerel, and anchovies can reduce liver and abdominal fat