Yogurt is one of the most effective sources of probiotics that are friendly bacterium that may improve your health 

Kefir contains many beneficial nutrients and high concentration of probiotic’s, its created by adding kefir grains to cow’s or goat’s milk 

Buttermilk acts as a decent carrier for various forms of probiotics, particularly  a carboxylic acid bacterium 

Soya Milk is another Indian drink that is made with probiotics & nutrients like proteins. 

Curd contains the bacteria Lactobacillus plays the role of probiotics in curd. Home made acts as an aid for your digestive system 

People normally avoid pickles thinking about the presence of a lot of oil and salt. But home made pickles are the best sources of probiotics in India. 

South Indian food items like Idlis and dosas are made by fermenting rice and dal which makes them a good source of probiotics 

Coconut Kefir is another kefir drink will give you an amazing dose of probiotics and antioxidants. 

Fermented Strawberry Soda will give you a natural enzymes, probiotics, and nutrients.

This naturally fermented lemonade soda is loaded with probiotics that give it its characteristic fizz and foam