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Understanding Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions

Vitamin D Deficiency

Understanding Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions- Vitamin D is fat-soluble, it is important for the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Without Vitamin D we will not be able to absorb calcium in our body. It helps to make our teeth and bones strong. 

The best source of getting free Vitamin D is from Sun. Sunlight helps our body to naturally produce Vitamin D, but in today’s world we don’t get exposure to sunlight and thus we miss the natural source. 

Nowadays, even doctors prescribe Vitamin D supplements after any illness for fast recovery. It has been observed that people living in cosmopolitan cities need more Vitamin D than in other places.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Any person who is suffering from Vitamin D deficiency must be having pain in bones and achiness. Those people get exhausted quickly and they always feel fatigue and low energy. They also suffer from depression and are not able to sleep properly. 

As a result, their skin becomes dull and lifeless, and suffers from hair fall. They will be having a loss of appetite and will feel sick all the time. They also develop a risk of cardiovascular diseases easily.

Benefits of Vitamin D

  1. Reduce the risk of heart diseaseVitamin D Defficiciancy lead to the risk of cardiovascular disease. It increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. If your body has proper Vitamin D levels, the probability of heart disease will be reduced..
  2. Vitamin D helps to sleep well– If we take Vitamin D we sleep well and wake up fresh in the morning and thus our immunity system becomes strong.
  3. Recover body after illness- If we suffer from any serious coughs, colds, and fevers, doctors usually prescribe Vitamin D. It is because it helps to develop an immunity system and cure respiratory illness.
  4. Helps in weight loss- If people who suffer from Obesity problems, follow a proper weight loss diet and take Vitamin D, it will help to reduce weight and fat from the body.
  5. Healthy Bones– Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium and phosphorus in our body. And it is very important for healthy bone development.

Top 10 Vitamin D Foods-

  1. Fatty fish– Salmon, Mackerel, and Trout are very good sources of Vitamin D. In India Rohu fish which is easily available in the market is also a good source of Vitamin D. Fatty fish are also rich in Vitamin C and Omega 3
  2. Mushroom– Mushroom is also a great source of Vitamin D, there are different kinds of mushrooms such as Portobello, Shitake, Morel, and Chanterelle. This different mushroom has a different level of Vitamin D. Nowadays Mushroom is becoming popular in the kitchen, so we should include mushroom in our diet.
  3. Cod-liver oil– It is rich in Vitamin D. It is a great source of Omega 3 and it decreases the formation of blood clots and inflammation. It is a fat-soluble vitamin D that has great nutritional value and increases the immunity system.
  4. Egg Yolk– Egg Yolk is a good source of vitamin D, in Egg Yolk we get minerals, fat, and vitamins. If you regularly eat egg- yolk, then your vitamin D level will increase.
  5. Fortified Milk– Fortified milk contains Vitamin D3 which has 30% of the recommended daily intact for vitamin D3.
  6. Yogurt- The Vitamin D contains in Yogurt are of two, types, plain and low-fat yogurt. You can yogurt with fruits, salads, and oats and it is a great source of Vitamin D.
  7. Fortified Tofu- Tofu contains not only vitamin D, it is a great source of calcium, iron, and protein.
  8. Fotefied Soya Milk– Just like cow milk soya milk is also fortified with Vitamin D. It is enriched with Vitamin D2 and D3.
  9. Oat Milk– Oat Milk is also an important source of Vitamin D and it is very easy to digest it is usually prescribed to those people who suffer from allergies and intolerance to milk. Except for Vitamin D, it also has vitamins A and B.
  10. Vegetables- We should include vegetables in our daily diet, some of the vegetables that are rich in Vitamin D are Spinach, Okra, Beans, Kale, and Cucumber. These vegetables have not only Vitamin D, but they are also rich in folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, prosperous and for other vitamins and minerals


First sunlight is a very good source of Vitamin D and if you walk 20 minutes a day in the early morning then you cannot have any Vitamin D deficiency problems. Nowadays, especially in urban areas Vitamin D deficiency is very common, as we normally don’t get much exposure to sunlight seating in concrete jungles. If anyone has vitamin D deficiency it is necessary to consult a doctor and take vitamin D supplements. 

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