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Discovering the Benefits of Vitamin A: Best Food Sources for a Balanced Diet

Vitamin A Benefits

Vitamin A Benefits– Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is present in various foods we consume daily. It helps to boost our immunity system and support our normal growth it includes retinol, retinyl esters, and pro-vitamin A

There are two types of vitamin A-

  • Preformed vitamin A
  • Provitamin A

Preformed Vitamin A is a vitamin found in animal products such as eggs, oil fish, liver, and dairy products.

Provitamin A– Vitamin A comes from plant-based foods such as carrots, tomatoes, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes, and leafy vegetables. We also get vitamin A from many fruits.

These two vitamins can be taken naturally or in the form of supplements but it is good to consume vitamin A that is reserved in our lives in the form of retinyl esters. These esters help to break trans-retinol. It then goes into your bloodstream and then your body can utilize it.

Vitamin A has many nutritious values let us now discuss Vitamin A Benefits-

Vitamin A Benefits

  1. Maintaining proper vision- the most prominent benefit of vitamin A is to improve eye health, it protects our cornea and conjunctiva our eye. Vitamin A deficiency may lead to nyctalopia also known as night blindness. People with night blindness may seem normal during the daytime but their vision decreases during night. Also, a deficiency of vitamin A may slow down eyesight.
  1. Vitamin A improves skin color, elasticity, and wrinkles in people- Vitamin A has antioxidants that help in skin regeneration. Vitamin A  has retinol which helps to slow down our skin aging, promotes regeneration of skin cells, and makes the skin smooth and even. Insufficient intake of vitamin A can make our skin dry and itchy.
  1. Improves immunity system – if you take vitamin A adequately it helps to improve your immunity system. Our body is made up of different cells. Vitamin A helps in cell communication and helps to fight against various diseases and improve our health.
  1. Helps to solve fertility issues- Vitamin A decreases the risk of infertility. To maintain a healthy reproduction system vitamin A is very essential. It also helps in the proper development of embryos. So, during pregnancy vitamin A very important. It helps in proper egg implantation in the mother’s womb and aids in the proper development of the unborn child. A deficiency of vitamin A may have adverse effects on the development of the baby and thus lead to birth defects.
  1. Decrease the risk of cancer– vitamin A decreases the use of some cancers such as lung cancer, and prostate cancer cells such as bladder, breast, and ovarian cancer cells.
  1. Support bone development- some studies tell us that besides vitamin D and calcium vitamin A is also necessary for proper bone development of the body. Lower levels of vitamin A contribute to low bone density and may have a chance of bone fracture. Vitamin A may decrease the rid of bone fractures.

Food Sources of Vitamin A

Leafy green vegetables rich in Vitamin A are (kale, spinach, broccoli) and other yellow vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin. Fruits that are rich in Vitamin A are orange.  

In dairy products, food sources of Vitamin A, include cheese, eggs, oily fish, milk, and yogurt.

Recommended dietary allowance for adults 

Men 900mcg (3000 Iu)

Women 700 mcg ( 2,333 Iu)

A balanced intake of vitamin A is good for health. However, consuming vitamin A in excessive quantities may result in bone and organ damage and affect one’s nervous system and skin. So, deficiency and overintake of vitamin A may cause side effects. So, for balanced nutrition. The right amount of vitamin A is necessary. 


In conclusion, we have understood the importance of Vitamin A-rich foods and how we can include them in our diet’s overall health and well-being. By incorporating these nutrient-dense options into our meals, we not only support your vision, immune system, and skin health but also take proactive steps toward a more balanced and nourished lifestyle. However, you should always consult with your dietician and doctor before changing your diet.

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