Healthy diet plan for gaining weight in 2023

Healthy diet plan for gaining weight

Healthy diet plan for gaining weight in 2023: Gaining weight or adding muscle is equally difficult as losing weight. You can’t just go and simply add fatty foods to your diet and gain weight. If you really want to gain weight, then it is very important that you do it the right way. Eating oily, fatty, and sweets just to add calories may help you gain weight, but at the same time, it can destroy your health. 

If you are looking for weight gain then it should be in a balanced amount of muscle mass and subcutaneous fat, not a bunch of unhealthy belly fat. In a normal weight gain, people often welcome type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems like obesity. Therefore, it is very much essential that you eat healthy foods and live an overall healthy lifestyle while gaining weight.

If you want to gain weight slowly, then you target 300-500 calories more than you burn each day according to the calculator. If you want to gain weight at a faster rate then target around 700-1000 calories above your maintenance level. Just remember that the calorie calculators show only estimates. 

Your needs may vary by several hundred calories per day, which you have to adjust. Remember that you don’t need to count calories for your whole life, you need to do it for the first few days/weeks to get a feel for how many calories you are eating.

While following a diet plan, you can choose food that not only provides calories but also high nutrients. For example, add whole milk to your breakfast cereal and also make your salad dressings with healthy oils. For gaining weight adding potatoes, sweet potatoes, tapioca, and other starchy vegetables along with other vegetables will be beneficial. You can also prefer whole wheat paratha as well as high-fat fish like Salmon.

You can also add nuts, dry fruits, and seeds to your diet. For adding weight you can choose calorie-dense food. Nut butter is also a healthy choice. Normally dry fruits are a high-calorie version of fruits. They provide antioxidants. Seeds such as pumpkin and flax seeds as well as many calorie-rich fresh fruits such as ripe bananas, mango, avocado, etc.

Also eat regularly to increase your food intake. You need to add at least three snacks apart from your two meals and breakfast. Also include healthy oils and fats. Choose the right snacks. It should be high-calorie and should have high nutrients.

Healthy diet plan for gaining weight

Here are a few high-calorie foods you can include while eating meals, breakfast, or snacks


Rice is rich in carbohydrates, and calories in rice are very high with around 130 in 100 grams of cooked rice. With just a tiny bowl of rice, you can get abundant calories. You can add rice with other high-protein foods such as cheese, pulses, and eggs for the best results. Rice is easily digestible and won’t make you feel bloated. It’s one of the most widely available calorie-rich foods you can include in your meal for weight gain.


Potatoes are a high-carbohydrate food that we can eat in various ways, either as a side meal or a main course for lunch or dinner. It has about 80 calories in potatoes for every 100 grams. You can boil potatoes or bake and stir-fry. Being a high starch, potatoes help to boost calorie intake, supply essential nutrients, and also increase glycogen in the muscles. Potatoes can also be mixed with other foodstuffs such as beans, corn, and several other root vegetables.

Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are yummy snacks and taste enhancers, It is also known as mini powerhouses of calories, fiber, fat, and antioxidants. You can add dry fruits to your daily diet to gain weight. You can also add dry fruits to salads or smoothies, it is also a very rich source of vitamins.

Non-Veg Items- Read Meat, Fish & Egg

Red meat is very high in lean protein, you can eat it to build muscle mass. It has an essential amino acid that helps in protein synthesis. Both the lean cuts as well as fatty cuts contain equal amounts of protein, and if you want to gain weight and muscles, then go for the fatty cuts.

Just like meat, certain types of fish like salmon and tuna are good sources of nutrients that can help you gain weight in a healthy way. Other than being high in calories, Fish contains essential nutrients like fats, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and amino acids.

Eggs are one of the best foods available for gaining weight that you must add to your daily diet, particularly in breakfast. If you work out regularly and want to build muscle then you must eat eggs, as this is the most effective source to put on muscle and gain weight.

Other high-calorie foods that you must include in a healthy diet plan for weight gain

  • Whole Grain Bread
  • Milk
  • Avocados
  • Cheese
  • Firm Tofu
  • Chickpeas

High-Calorie Foods to Avoid

Healthy high-calorie foods for weight gain like meat, cheese, oily fish, whole milk, eggs, etc. can be helpful in gaining weight in a healthy way. Similarly, there are also some calorie-dense foods you should always avoid, these food may be harmful to your health:

  • Cold drinks
  • Refined or Processed Food
  • Fast foods
  • Sugary Syrup
  • Fried foods
  • Processed meats
  • Ice cream

Important Tips to Gain Weight

Here are some important tips you can follow to gain weight in a healthy manner:

Eating More Calories– Our body requires around 2000 calories per day to function. If you start to consume a higher amount of calories or increase the calorie intake that is required by your body, you will start to gain weight.

Working Out-Workout and exercise can help you to gain muscle. However, you must consume a healthy and calorie-rich diet to help you put on weight.

Eat Frequently-If you can’t increase, consume enough calories through just lunch and dinner, then go for 4-5 small meals in a day.

Eat Calorie-Rich Foods for Weight Gain-As mentioned, diet is the most important part of controlling your weight. Eating calorie-rich foods with healthy nutrients is the key to gaining weight sustainably. 

Avoid Cardio exercise-While exercising is good, some cardio exercises like jogging and running are typically used by people to lose weight. It is a good idea to avoid these exercises, but to keep yourself fit, walking would be the best suggestion.

Normally, 2000 calories a day is considered adequate for a healthy individual, but it may vary based on age, gender, and physical activity. To gain weight you need a proper diet plan that should factor in a daily intake of around 3,000 calories and also include calorie-rich foods for weight gain that are easily available near you. 


However, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor or dietician before starting a new type of diet. You can also keep a separate diet chart for weekdays and weekends, or you can keep a different one for each day of the week. The key is to get ample protein, carbohydrates, and fat. 

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