Health Benefits of Char Magaz

Char Magaz: 7 Surprising health benefits that you should know

Char magaz is a blend of four seeds watermelon, cucumber, melon, and pumpkin seed. These four seeds are a mixture of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fatty acids. It is very good for health and is usually seen in Indian kitchens. It is very tasty and you can consume it in ways like in curry, sparkle in homemade laddus, in salads, etc.

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Char magaz

Improve Brain Function with Char Magaz

Improve Brain Function

Char magaz is very good for our brains. This seed has much nutritional value. It strengthens our brain function and prevents memory loss. So we can say it improves our cognitive function. The nervine tonic present in char magaz strengthens our nerves. In various studies, it has been found that people who consume char magaz powder regularly increase their problem-solving power and boost their memory. 

It is also very helpful for our children’s nutrition because it helps the proper development of the brain of our children. You can make laddu and can give char magaz in it which they will like very much. It acts as a brain tonic.

Benefits for our Skin

Char magaz has antioxidant which helps to reduce free radical damage in our body. You can also buy Char magaz seeds oil from the market, is very beneficial for our skin as it prevents wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots and thus it makes our skin healthier and radiant.

Benefits for hair

Char magaz contains minerals like magnesium, calcium, and copper which is very good for our hair. It promotes hair growth. Regular use of seed oil improves hair texture and increases the volume of our hair. Melanin an agent present in it helps to prevent greying of hair. The protein present in it like Lysine, Arginine, and glutamic acid is very essential for our hair health and makes our sleep sound.

Weight Gain with Char Magaz

Benefits of Weight gain

If you are trying for weight gain for a long and putting weight then try Char Magaz, it contains full of protein, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. By consuming char magaz you can gain weight naturally without any side effects. If you had suffered from any sickness or still have body weakness then its powder is very helpful, it reduces weakness and helps in increasing weight gain

Benefits of controlling Diabetes

Char magaz seeds are good for curing diabetes. The hypoglycemic property present in its powder act as insulin, it helps to produce insulin properly in the body and makes a diabetic patient active and fit.

Benefits for treating heart disease

The antioxidant present in char magaz helps in treating many heart diseases. Bioactive constituents such as Lysine and Arginine help in reducing unsaturated fat and decreasing heart attack and blood clots. Char magaz is very beneficial in reducing cholesterol in our body and making our hearts healthy

Build immune system

To develop the immune system Vitamin B is very beneficial, char magaz is a very good source of Vitamin B. It has thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, so we can call it a powerhouse of vitamins.


These four seeds have a lot of advantages but they should be consumed in moderate amounts. If we take it in the proper amount and consume it regularly, it will help to develop our brain and rejuvenate. It is also good for our eyes, skin, heart, and hair. So by including char magaz in our diet we can improve our immunity system and prevent the disease from attacking us.

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