7 Surprising Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair

7 Surprising Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair

7 Surprising Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair: Hair problem is very common nowadays. Due to our hectic and busy lifestyle, we cannot pay much attention to our hair. Hair problem varies from person to person, such as dandruff, greying of hair, hair thinning hair fall, baldness, etc. As we all know “prevention is better than cure” so it is of utmost importance to take care of our hair on a regular basis in order to avoid all these hair-related problems.

To keep our hair healthy and strong we need to have sufficient proteins, vitamins, and calcium. If there is a deficiency in any of these, we suffer from hair loss. People normally get panic after seeing any hair-related problems and find a solution to buy expensive oil or shampoo.  

Always buying expensive shampoo, oil, serum, etc cannot be a good solution to your hair problem. By using simple home remedies we can solve many of our hair-related issues. One of the best home remedies for healthy hair is onion juice. You will be surprised to know the benefits of onion juice for hair.

Onion is very good for our hair. It is also very simple to apply to our hair. Our hair is made up of protein, keratin, and sulfur. Onion Juice is very rich in sulfur and is loaded with antioxidants that help in proper blood circulation.

Benefits of Onion Juice for hair

Onion Juice Prevent Hair Fall

  1. Helps our hair growth– Onion juice helps to nourish our hair roots and keep our scalp healthy and thus helping in hair growth. It helps in proper blood circulation so that our hair grows properly. 
  1. Prevent hair fall– Onion is rich in sulfur which is very important to make our hair stronger. Sulfur increases collagen production which helps in producing hair follicles. Sulfur also helps in forming bonds in our hair and so it prevents split ends.
  1. Help in preventing hair greying– Onion helps in increasing enzymes, catalase, and darkening our hair. Onion helps in restoring some of its natural colors and helps in building a wall against hydrogen peroxide. 
  1. Prevents Dandruff– Dandruff is a very common problem it is caused due to excessive dryness and itching. It is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial infarction. Onion has a property that helps in getting rid of dandruff and making our scalp clean and healthy.
  1. Help in moisturizing dry hair– Onion juice helps in moisturizing hair and prevents dryness and hair thinning. Onion has many characteristic such as Kampeferol and Quercetin, it has antioxidants that help in proper blood circulation and makes your hair soft and smooth.
  1. Prevent alopecia areata – In a recent study shows that the use of onion juice gave significant results in hair regrowth and it is a very effective treatment for patchy alopecia areata 
  1. Prevent itching– Onion has anti-inflammatory qualities which help to relieve an itchy scalp. It helps to improve blood circulation during epidemics and thus helps to moisturize our scalp.

Application of Onion Juice-

Benefits of Onion for Hair

You can mix onion juice with coconut oil, olive oil, or sesame oil and apply it to your scalp and massage, You should then leave it for some time. After 2 to 3 hours rinse with a mild shampoo. You can also directly apply onion juice without oil to your scalp but should use it in proper proportion.

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Using Onion Juice regularly can do wonders for your hair. We normally search for ready-made and easy solutions for our hair-related issues. But applying onion juices can be a better and easy solution rather than going for an expensive treatment for your hair. So next time when you face any hair-related issue, don’t get panic. There is a solution as onion juice makes your hair and scalp healthy.

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