11 Benefits of Millet- The Ultimate Superfood for Optimal Health

Benefits of Millet.1

Millet is a very powerful and ancient grain it is grown for 1000 years in various parts of the world such as  Africa and Southeast Asia. Millets are grains that are full of nutrients. It is high in fiber and has calcium, vitamin B, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, copper, and selenium. Millet can be used to make bread, cereal, and bear. It is gaining popularity nowadays because they are gluten-free. Yes! Millet is Gluten Free

It plays an important part in protecting us from various health issues. It is loaded with a lot of nutrients and is very beneficial for kids. It is very good food for weight loss. There are many varieties of millet some of the common types are,

Little Millet (Moraiyo)

Pearl Millet ( Bajra)

Finger Millet ( Ragi)

Fox tail Millet ( Kakum/Kangni)

Proso Millet (Chena/Barri)

Barnyard Millet (Sanwa)

11 Benefits of Millet

  1. Help in weight loss-

Millet has a lot of fiber which helps in weight loss, it keeps your tummy full for a long time and helps to stop overeating. So it is very important to include millet in your daily diet. It is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals.

  1. Help maintain blood sugar level-

Millet has a low glycemic index which helps to control diabetics. Millets are not digested quickly and help to slow the rise of blood sugar in your body. Millet contains complex carbohydrate which is digested slowly. 

  1. Helps to boost energy and immunity-

Millets help to improve the immunity system. Mittet is a great source of protein. And if you intake protein every day it will help in developing the immunity system in your body. If your immunity system is strong then you will be able to prevent disease.

  1. Reduce Cardiovascular diseases-

Millet helps to prevent the storage of extra fat in your body. It helps to increase good cholesterol in your body and makes your heart healthy. It lowers the risk of heart attack, strokes, and heart complications. 

  1. Control Blood Pressure-

Millet contains potassium which helps in proper blood circulation and controls our blood pressure. 

Also read, 11 Reasons Why You Need To Start Eating Pearl Millet (Bajra)

  1. Help in digestion-

The high fiber property found in millet helps in proper digestion. It solves all digestion-related problems like gas, acidity, bloating, cramp, etc it also helps in the proper function of bowel movements and thus aid in constipation and managing inflammation in the guts.

  1. Helps in proper sleep-

Millet has the amino acid tryptophan which increases serotonin levels. Serotonin helps to distress our body and helps in providing healthy and good sleep.

  1. Prevent Asthma-

Millets do not contain allergens that lead to asthma problems. Millets have protein and magnesium which reduces the frequency of asthma problems in our body.

  1. Prevent Cancer-

FoxTail and Prospo millet helps in preventing the growth of cancerian cells in our body. It also helps in preventing colon, breast, and liver cancer. 

  1. . Good for bones health-

Millets are rich in calcium and minerals which is very good for strong bones. Nowadays people are suffering from low blood density, so including millets in your diet is great for bone health.

  1. . Help fight anemia-

Finger Millet is rich in iron, so it is very useful for those people who are suffering from Anemia and insomnia.

Millets must be included in our daily diet, You can make it millet flour and should consume it in moderate quantities. Millet is a powerhouse of nutrients, in this busy world and hectic lifestyle we cannot ignore millet the ultimate superfood for our optimal health

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