Ultimate Super food for Optimal Health in 2023

Millet is a powerhouse of nutrients in this busy and hectic lifestyle- Know the 11 Benefits of Millet

Millet is a very powerful and ancient grain it is grown for 1000 years in various parts of the world such as  Africa and Southeast Asia. Millets are grains that are full of nutrients. It is high in fiber and has calcium, vitamin B, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, copper, and selenium. Millet can be used to make bread, cereal, and bear. It is gaining popularity nowadays because they are gluten-free. Yes! Millet is Gluten Free

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New Book! Eat Yourself Healthy

An easy-to-digest guide to health and happiness from the inside out.

In this e-book you will come to know the topics about why to eat healthy, understanding your relationship with food, and the danger of diet tends.  This e-book also explains the food pyramid, and how food can be your medicine. The health benefits of fruits and vegetables are well explained in this e-book. You will come to know the best meat to stay healthy and the danger of processed food. And above all the ebook will help you suggest a meal plan.