6 Power of Ragi: Unveiling the Nutritional Benefits of Finger Millet

Ragi Flour

Ragi in English Finger Millet is a crop cultivated in India for probably 4000 years. It originates in Africa. It is a prevalent crop and has many nutritious values. It is becoming popular nowadays because of its many nutritional health benefits.

Ragi in English Finger Millet is also scientifically called Elusine coracana. It is specially grown for tropical reasons. Ragi can be brown, red, or purple.  It is differently called in different parts of India. Ragi, Nachni or Madua and Kezhvaraga. It has all the essential macronutrients, it has protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins it has a shallow level of cholesterol, and a high in fiber. 

Ragi (Finger Millet) has calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorous. It is very beneficial for children. We can make porridges and give them to infants. It helps to strengthen the birth of children. It is perfect for vegetarians as it is a source of protein. It is also good for our guts. So, as a whole, it is a superfood.

Ragi Benefits

Ragi has high protein-  Ragi is a good choice, to boost your protein. It is a good source of protein for vegetarian people. It is also tasty to eat, a 100 gm of ragi provides 13 gm of protein.

Controls diabetes- Ragi helps to maintain blood sugar levels in your body, due to its high fiber. It helps to resist food cravings and helps to maintain the gap between meals and thus in turn helps in keeping blood sugar under control. Including ragi in your diet, helps to reduce the level of albumin and creatinine in the urine. If your creativity increases in your urine it can increase complications of diabetes.

Help to control weight loss- Due to its high fiber content, Ragi helps in weight loss. It has dietary fiber. Ragi keeps your tummy full for a long time. And thus stop food carving. It has low fat and low calories compared to other grains.

Ragi helps to fight cancer- Ragi helps to prevent certain cancers. It has phytonutrients that help to prevent colon cancer. It has high antioxidants that fight to prevent the spread and division of cancer cells. Scientific evidence suggests that millet has anti-cancer properties. So, if you include Ragi in your diet you can prevent certain types of cancer such as breast, and liver cancer.

Good for skin and hair- Ragi has amino acids like methionine and lysine that help the skin fight against rashes, wrinkles, and skin dryness. It also makes our hair healthy and bright. The antioxidants present in Ragi help to distress our bodies. The new Ragi Corp has a natural vitamin E that helps our skin glow.

Prevent cardiovascular disease– Compared to other whole grains, Ragi or finger millet is free of cholesterol and sodium which is good for the heart. Ragi helps to remove fat from one heart’s arteries aids in the proper function of cardio muscle and makes one heart healthy.


In conclusion, the 6 nutritional powers of Ragi flour (Finger Milet) showcased on our Verywellfit blog highlighted its remarkable potential as a superfood for promoting health and well-being. It is rich in fiber and has ample essential nutrients. Including ragi in your diet can offer numerous benefits, including improved digestion, enhanced energy levels, and better overall health. So why wait? add the nutritious ragi to your diet today and embark on a journey towards a healthier and happier life.

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