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10 Surprising Health Benefits of Garlic that you must know

What are the health benefits for garlic

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Garlic that you must know: Garlic is an edible plant bud, which is commonly used in every kitchen. It is also widely used in many food preparations. Garlic is very nutritious and has many fantastic health benefits. Garlic is antibacterial in nature, it has phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, folate, and niacin. It has been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries. Consuming garlic regularly helps to treat and cure many of our diseases. You can consume garlic raw as well as cooked, both ways are beneficial for our health. To get the health benefits of garlic you should eat garlic every day at least for 3 months.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Garlic

  1. It helps in cough and cold– Garlic is good for cough and cold, it gives us immunity to fight against these diseases. It has antioxidants and sulphur which help to decrease infection and boost the immunity system.
  2. Good for our heart health– Garlic is very good for our heart, consuming garlic regularly helps us to lower our cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Eating two garlic cloves on empty stomach is very beneficial for controlling our blood sugar, which ultimately helps us to reduce blood clots.
  3. Prevent cancer– the antibacterial and antioxidant properties found in garlic helps to fight against cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.
  4. Good for our skin– Consuming garlic regularly can prevent acne and pimples on our face. it also helps to lighten acne marks. It also prevents aging and protects our skin from ultraviolet rays
  5. Good for digestion – Garlic is high in insulin, consuming raw or cooked garlic helps to grow good bacteria in our digestive system. It helps our gut to function properly. Garlic has natural probiotic properties in it., which is good for digestion.
  6. Good for your Brain– Garlic has a great impact on brain health, it also helps to lower your stress and helps to improve your memory power. The antioxidants and inflammatory properties promote our brain health.
  7. Good for weight loss– Garlic is very beneficial in reducing your weight. It helps to burn the extra calories in our body for this we should take two garlic cloves empty stomach in the morning. We should chew and eat raw garlic on an empty stomach. It takes a minimum of 15 days to shart showing the results.
  8. Garlic Benefits for men– Garlic helps to promote male fertility, It helps to increase sperm count and increase testosterone, which helps to improve sexual health as well as muscle growth, facial and body hair, and red blood cell production in men
  9. Beneficials for Women– Garlic is also good for women it stimulates ovulation and helps in pregnancy. If we eat garlic regularly, there will be no period pain. It prevents chromosomal defects. It increases blood circulation in our body and helps in cleaning the blood and keeping our body healthy. It is also beneficial for PCOS ( polycystic Overy Syndrome)
  10. Beneficial for hair– the anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties helps to keep your scalp healthy. Garlic has vitamins and minerals which help in hair growth. So, raw garlic and cooked garlic both are very beneficial for us, it has many fantastic qualities thus you should include garlic in your everyday diet.


Sometimes people avoid garlic due to its flavor, in such cases, you can try garlic skin also. It has plenty of good nutrients like the clove. It has vitamin A and C, which is helpful for vision, immunity, and more. Garlic skin is also packed with anti-inflammatory phenylpropanoid antioxidants which are anticancer and anti-viral. So next time if you are able to eat garlic at least try the garlic skin for its multi-benefits.

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